I've highlighted and posted William Winter Posey's letter after the 2nd Battle of Manassas:
Aldin Hospital Virginia
September 2, 1862
Dear Father and Mother,
You see from the address of my letter that I am at the hospital. I am here waiting on Cobey. He got wounded in the recent fight at Bull Run. Shot through the thigh by a Minnie ball though not serious, the ball passed pretty high up passed between the bone and main artery. He is doing very well at this time; in no pain only when moved. As soon as he is able to travel, I intend to get him a furlough if there is any possible chance. I have two balls shot through the leg of my pants. One of them cut a gash in my ankle which stops me for a few minutes. Mine was done on the first day. Cobey’s on the second.
It will not be necessary for me to give you the full details of the battle. You will get that through the papers. The battle commenced on Thursday and lasted 3 days. Our brigade opened the fight two days out of three. We drew the enemy off from the field both days. Killed a great many; captured a good many prisoners. The last’s days fight our brigade fought three columns of men for 1 and ½ hours before we were reinforced and a good portion of the time in 40 yds of each other. But we routed them at last. I never seen men run so in my life. They went like they had wings right in front of our brigade. There is acres I can walk over on their dead bodies. The Richmond fight at Malvin Hill is no comparison for I was in both fights and went over both battlefields after the fight closed. Our loss is very heavy. I will give you the list of the killed and wounded in our company: Corporal Gandy, killed; Leutinant Bond, badly wounded in the thigh; Cobey, wounded in the thigh; myself, slightly wounded in the ankle; Ted Hamilton, wounded slightly in the calf of leg; Windon, in the leg below the knee; Dave Richardson, in the thigh pretty bad. They are all here together and I am detailed to wait on them. The balance of our regiment lost in proportion (I suppose half was killed and wounded). I have not been able to get the exact number of our loss.
I learned that our brigade was in the fight last Monday near Fairfax. C.H. Have not heard the particulars but it seems that they intend for us to do all the fighting (the LA brigade). We are under General Jackson and his old division. In General Stark’s brigade, we are known as the Louisiana brigade and commanded by as good General as there is in the Confederate Service.
You will please excuse me for not writing more as the boys need my whole attention. I will write you again as soon as I have time. Tell Lizzie I have received her letter of the 3rd of August. Will answer it as soon as possible. Mother said something about clothing, to let her know if we needed any. We need them but if we had them, we would have to throw them away. We have to march so hard, we can’t carry anything but the suit we wear; one blanket and our knapsack of provisions.
P. S. Write as soon as you receive this; direct your letters to Richmond c/o Capt. Redwine. Camp LA, 2nd Regiment, Louisiana Volunteers
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