Civil War Louisiana (CWLA)

Civil War Louisiana (CWLA)
CWLA seeks to provide an online resource of any and all material of the Civil War relating to Louisiana with a special interest in the war in Acadiana in southwest Louisiana.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

15th Louisiana's Losses at Chancellorsville

Found this piece in the Richmond Daily Dispatch.

On May 14, 1863, the Richmond Daily Dispatch published a list of casualties for the 15th Louisiana in the Battle of Chancellorsville.  Colonel Pendleton’s finger was shot off in the fight.

List of killed and wounded in the 15th Louisiana regiment (Col. E. Pendleton) at the battle of Chancellorsville, May 2d and 3d, 1863.
Field and Staff.--Wounded: Col Edmond Pendleton, Lt-Col M G Goodwyn, Serg't Maj Haskins.
  1. Company A.--Killed: Privates Whittle, Hoffman, Burns. Wounded: Serg't Lente. Missing; Private Cain, (reported killed.)
  2. Company B.--Killed; Privates Walker, Finnegan, Vest, Brake. Wounded; Serg't Hinrick, Corp'l McArthy; privates Conroy, Brenan, Fitzgerald, Haffy, Russell. Missing; Petere.
  3. Company C.--Killed: Private Brown.--Wounded; Lieut Erwin, (in right arm,) Lieut Gross, (slightly,) Serg't Hanck, (seriously.) Serg't Dupuy, (flesh wound in leg;) privates Vizer and P Smith. Missing; Privates Bernard, O Badeaux, and P Badeaux.
  4. Company D.--Killed: Private H Johnson. Wounded: Lieut Power, Lieut Lockwood, Serg't Simcox; privates Riley, Krechbaum, Lehauey, Fanning, Guravin.
  5. Company E.--Killed: Lieut Haynes and Serg't Paul. Wounded: Privates Cormady and Brown. Missing: Corp'l Rourke.
  6. Company F.--Killed; Sergt Rowe. Wounded; Sergts Roden and Clendenning, Corporal Wynn, privates Knight and Donley. Missing: Corpl Holloway, privates Carroll and Flynn.
  7. Company G.--Killed: Sgt McElwel, Corpl Tucker, private Bigger. Wounded: Captain Michie, slightly; Lts Bowman and Davenport slightly; Sgts Wynn and Brown, dead; Corpl Aldridge, privates Lott, Carroll, England, Dawson, Merillian, Braddock, Cannedy, J W Nuggatt, Crawford, Womack. Missing: Manning.
  8. Company H.--Killed: W Woff. Wounded; Capt Withemp, Lt Blackstone, Corpl Vinet. Missing: McPherson, M Gainer, Barnett.
  9. Company I.--Killed: D Hogan, E Clark. Wounded; Lt Brown, since dead; Sgts Trumzler and Napier, Cpl Trisher, privates Tiller, McClure, Manning, Greer, McQuaid, Shae.
  10. Company K.--Wounded: Sgt Brown, prisoner, Sgt Beck, Cpls Salois and Dillon, privates Norris, Keefer, Cunningham, Rank, Heno; Arnauld, Hoff. Missing: Private Messing. 

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Coppens' Zouave Battalion

Coppens' Zouave Battalion
Lt. Colonel George Coppens (seated) and brother, Captain Marie Alfred Coppens.Image sold at auction on Cowan Auctions, for $14,375